Home | Packaging
As couriers, our intention is to get your item wherever it needs to be as quickly and as safely as possible. While we can certainly help with ‘wherever it needs to be’ and ‘quickly’ aspects of delivery, the ‘safely’ aspect is down to how well the item will be repackaged.
We totally understand that sending parcels that may be bulky or fragile might not be easy to get right. That said, unless the items are packaged correctly they may not reach their destination in one piece. In some cases, our agents will help you repackaged to make sure your packaging will hold up during its journey.
With dedicated 24/7 customer service and detailed air cargo.
Ship your air cargo without breaking the bottom line.
For those air freight demands that are of the utmost priority, we offer next flight out shipping services. Combat crunch time while keeping your customers satisfied with either of these air cargo options.
Customs brokerage firms can determine the most reliable and cost-effective means for using air freight options to coordinate corporate, individual parcel or shipment deliveries. A customs broker can negotiate the vast array of options and determine the most applicable means to ensure expedient and on-time delivery.
Elite Logistics Express Company provides national delivery services, with daily arrivals into United States airport from the world's leading industrial markets.
We care for the security of packages transported by air and sea with high ethical standards.
You can track every process of your package transition including their current locations by scanning the barcode on your shipment receipt or through our tracking page
Our local agents ensure your packages are delivered to your doorstep upon arrival to our warehouse
We take pride in serving our customers safely.